Of course, they blocked you. They can't handle someone pointing out that they lie, lie & lie. It's interesting though, that the party that complains about "cancel culture" is the one blocking people. BTW, you can still see their tweets if you log out of twitter, & then go to their timeline. You can then take screenshots of their tweets.

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You can get RNC tweets indirectly I presume. Dig in.Theirs is the ostrich approach: blocking you ostensibly takes care of their problem. They are very blatant: lying while showing, knowing, their business is immoral.

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Lying becomes one of the fine arts for the Republicans today...

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

Lee Atwater comes to mind. But Reagan and HWBush's Republican Party came after "Tricky Dick" Nixon who we thought was a suis generis, off the rails aberration at the time (dating myself). With Lee Atwater (remembering his death bed conversion) the toxic residue, win at all costs, so decency lost and political gamesmanship took over. The country, be damned. This political mode was tolerated by those with supposedly more honor (on the surface) and perfected by their hirelings, like Lee Atwater and his progeny... some found home at Fox.

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I reported their tweet, as did numerous others, but I'd already blocked them some time ago. Just not willing to put up with the crap, plus I'm way too tempted to go off on disingenuous liars and get my account suspended yet again. Now, I block and move on. Still, pretty crappy stunt on their part & rampant cowardice to block a journo that calls 'em out!

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Your first sentence is a masterpiece…🌟

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